Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Can Songs And Bass Influence Your Mood?


A strong correlation exists between what you hear and how you feel; this relationship between music and emotions is not new.

Some songs can evoke long-buried emotions, instantly altering your attitude and perspective.

But this goes beyond simple kitchen-table psychology; many studies have examined how music affects the mind.  

"Most people have turned to music on occasion to lift their mood, listening to a favourite track to cheer themselves up. "


To learn more:

See:  Music Psychology - How Can Songs and Bass Affect Your Mood? By YOTAM DOV

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Plato, Music and Misquotes

 Plato And Music

"This post has already been read 245965 times!I spent a pleasant morning, Saturday, browsing through the works of Plato, hunting for the source of a quotation I saw on Facebook, today.* I did several textual searches for words, phrases and quotes on sites that offer his collected works, along with..."

    See More.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Why Does Music and Art Exist ?

The story of the evolution of aesthetics makes interested reading, why for example does music or visual art exists at all ?   How important were aesthetics in human evolution and later in human societies ?    The following article offers some interesting insights into these questions.
"One of the great mysteries of art is why it exists. Although our desire to create and enjoy art is so widespread that it appears as natural as eating or reproducing -– nearly every culture draws, dances, sings, recites poetry and tells stories -– the origins of human aesthetics are not clear-cut. What’s peculiar is that from a biological point of view art appears to serve no adaptive advantages whatsoever."  More

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Various Affects of Music On The Brain

Via - the psychology of music

"Brain functioning, moods of an individual, emotions and behaviors have great connection with music. All of them can be altered, changed and improvised according to the requirements and perceptions with the assistance of ... "Via

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Music And The Chill Factor

A recent study by scientists at the ‘The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro at McGill University’ have found that listening to music releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that is more closely related to the pleasures that go with rewards like food, drugs and sex.  If a volunteer enjoyed a particular piece of music this produced a chill like response in them which in turn increased the volunteer's dopamine level.  It also resulted in an increase in the volunteer's heart rate, breathing and sweating.
".....this is the first demonstration that an abstract reward such as music can lead to dopamine release. Abstract rewards are largely cognitive in nature, and this study paves the way for future work to examine non-tangible rewards that humans consider rewarding for complex reasons.”   MORE

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Music And The Imagination

Music, The Brain, And Ecstasy: How Music Captures Our Imagination

An informative and an introduction to what is music and how and why it affects us..... Robert Jourdain explores these topics and others, ..... " from the essential nature of sound through composition, performance, and, finally, the nature of ecstasy "  ....... MORE

Monday, 15 June 2009

How Does 'Music' Exactly Differ From ‘Noise’ ?

The Psychological Significance of Music in Human Communication

Human beings throughout the ages have long considered music to have magical and mysterious qualities. Our primitive ancestors may have found music incomprehensible, perhaps they sensed it as only a series of sounds that expressed moods, threats or order from the spirits that constantly surrounded them. Music nevertheless was a vehicle by which our primitive ancestors were able to communicate direct with the spirits that occupied the outer and invisible world in which they lived.

The Babylonians and the Ancient Greeks try to create a structure on these ‘musical sounds’. In this structure, sound was related to that of the cosmos through an elaborate mathematical conception of sound vibrations connected with numbers and astrology.

As time went by humankind relationship to music slowly changes. No longer was it a means to communicate with the spirits, a threatening force or had supernatural qualities. Music became a vehicle by which human beings were now in personal communication with the deity, one that was a harmonious relationship with God.

Finally it was recognised that music was a medium by which human beings could communicate with their fellow human beings and help to strengthen the bonds of understanding between one another.

Music over the centuries has therefore been looked on as a power that could change and affect humans in a fascinating sort of way. So what exactly is in music that can produce these extraordinary effects on humans? In addition, one needs also ask how 'music' exactly differs from ‘noise’.

If we care to look for a purely scientific analysis explanation of these questions, we are offered the following. Music consists of vibrations in the air or a combination of vibrations that remain constant long enough for the air to be able distinguish them as units in other words as ‘notes’. Noise on the other hand may contain the same vibrations but can only be sustained for a short time. In other words the human ear does not have the opportunity to characterise or distinguish this combination of vibrations as‘notes’.

Does the scientific analysis explanation of music tell us anything about the psychological significance of music in human communication? Cannot music be ‘noise’ and ‘noise’ ‘music’?
I suppose it all down to one's cultural environment !

To decide whether a particular series of 'sounds' is 'noise' or whether it is 'music' is really down to the cultural environment it was created in. This has been the case ever since human beings first began to produce 'sounds'. The 'sounds' produced can only really be understood as 'music' from within the cultural environment from which these 'sounds' were created in. So to understand this 'music' one really needs be 'educated’ in the cultural environment in which it was created.

So 'noise' can be 'music' and 'music' can be 'noise', it all depends on the cultural environment it was created in and from the cultural environment the listener originate from.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

A Sufi Festival Promotes Peace, Love and ReligiousTolerance Through Poetry, Music and Dance

Sufi festival in Fez promotes religious tolerance with music, dance

A Sufi Festival was recently held in Fez, Morocco. The aim of this festival was to promote peace, love and religious tolerance through the medium of poetry, music and dance. A noble aim and one to be encouraged, especially in a world where religious tolerance, peace and love seems to be in short supply.
"Artists pay homage to Sufism through poetry, music, and dance. Participants also demonstrate new art forms and cultural projects that foster intercultural dialogue and enhance human lives"............ More

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Has Scientism Sidelined Our Emotions ?

" Scientism is the belief that the sciences have no boundaries"

Has scientism like religious literalism become its own ideology?

Where does scientism leave the likes of literature, psychology, music, arts, philosophy, dreams, the emotions or spirituality in its quest for supreme knowledge? It begs the question of what sort of role literature, psychology, music, arts, philosophy, dreams, emotions, or spirituality have played in human evolution? Are they being sidelined or even ignored by scientism?
"……… it’s our study of human evolution that bring fantastic insight into why we have art, dreams, and mythology in the first place. What a strange notion, that science plays no role in those fields or our understanding of them! .........." MORE

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Is There A Language Of Music ?

'Language of Music Really Is Universal, Study Finds'

Do you believe that there is a language of music? Well, a recent report thinks there may be one. A report which was published online on 19th March in ‘Current Biology’ states that ..........
“Native African people who have never even listened to the radio before can nonetheless pick up on happy, sad, and fearful emotions in Western music …MORE

Blues Legend John Mayall Is Dead at 90

Sorry to hear about the death of John Mayall, who was such an influential figure in the British Rock and Blues movement. Rest in peace, John...