Sunday, 20 October 2019

What Sort Of Emotions Does Music Arouse In People?

Image by wadland from Pixabay

"Powerful Links Between Music and Emotions"

Patrik Juslin, Professor of Psychology has written a book in which he summarised his 20 years of research into "what kinds of emotions does music arouse"?

“Music can arouse everything from very simple, primitive responses to complex high-level judgements, including basic emotions like joy, sadness and anger, as well as more complex ones, such as nostalgia. We can experience mixed emotions, contradictory feelings and what I call ‘aesthetic feelings’, based on aesthetic assessment. We feel admiration for a musician or we’re fascinated by the beauty of music.   MORE

Friday, 8 July 2016

Why We Enjoy Sad Music?

"Music can be a powerful presence in many aspects of people’s lives. It’s second only perhaps to smell in its power to bring back memories from decades ago and recall events or people you had very nearly forgotten."
playalongjon's insight:
The many facets of music!

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Are Our Musical Preferences Predetermined?

Music Psychology: The Power of Vibrational Frequency -

"Have you ever wondered why you have a complete disdain for specific styles of music? 
This interesting phenomenon has been the subject of scientific inquiry, hoping to uncover the mystery as to why our musical preferences seem to be predetermined"

playalongjon's insight:
Are we attracted to certain types of music and are these preferences predetermined?  

Saturday, 17 January 2015

How Music May Benefit And Affect Your Brain


How Music Affects and Benefits Your Brain

 I'm a big fan of music and use it a lot when working, but I had no idea about how it really affects our brains and bodies. Music is such a big part of our lives, and we react to it in many ways without even realizing.  More

playalongjon's insight:
Something which I experience everyday myself.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

"Music Gives A Soul To The Universe" Plato

Plato-blue (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 "Music Gives A Soul To The  Universe,   

  Wings To The Mind,  

Flight To The Imagination,

    And Life To Everything". 

o Th
e Universe,

ngs To The Mind, Flight To The Imagination, 

And Life To Everything".

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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Music And The Brain : Exploring The Interaction Between Music And The Brain

Rendering of human brain.
Rendering of human brain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So what can music neuroscience teaches us about the brain?  In  the YouTube video below,  Aniruddh Patel, of the Neurosciences Institute discusses just what music can reveal to us about the mind and the brain. He then goes on to explore just what brain science can subsequently teach us about music and how it affects the brain itself.


 Music and the Mind


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