Wednesday 23 September 2020

Plato, Music and Misquotes

 Plato And Music

"This post has already been read 245965 times!I spent a pleasant morning, Saturday, browsing through the works of Plato, hunting for the source of a quotation I saw on Facebook, today.* I did several textual searches for words, phrases and quotes on sites that offer his collected works, along with..."

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Sunday 20 October 2019

What Sort Of Emotions Does Music Arouse In People?

Image by wadland from Pixabay

"Powerful Links Between Music and Emotions"

Patrik Juslin, Professor of Psychology has written a book in which he summarised his 20 years of research into "what kinds of emotions does music arouse"?

“Music can arouse everything from very simple, primitive responses to complex high-level judgements, including basic emotions like joy, sadness and anger, as well as more complex ones, such as nostalgia. We can experience mixed emotions, contradictory feelings and what I call ‘aesthetic feelings’, based on aesthetic assessment. We feel admiration for a musician or we’re fascinated by the beauty of music.   MORE

Discover the Hurdy Gurdy: A Musical Journey Unveiling the Enchanting Sounds of a Timeless Instrument

The Hurdy-Gurdy Player (Le Joueur de Vielle) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Did you know that the hurdy-gurdy is a string instrument tha...